The Poland Import Export Chamber Of Commerce Online

Any Venture With A Profit Motive Is Very Risky

Many people have become millionaires pursuing business ventures on the internet.

But many more have failed. And not only have they failed, they have lost a lot of money and time in the procuess. In fact, more than 90 percent of all web based business ventures fail within the first year.

It appears that most fail because they do not fully understand that running a business is, in the end, all about marketing.


As with any business, successful or unsuccessful use of products or systems will widely vary among our users depending on many factors, including but not limited to, the users's skill set, creativity, motivation, level of effort, individual expertise, capacity and talents, business experience, cost structure and the market in which the user competes. And extensive market research with the end result of the creation of an effective marketing plan that is diligently implemented.

Your purchase and/or use of any information, products and services that you find through this site, or anywhere for that matter, should be based upon your own due diligence and judgment on how best to use those products. You are also advised to get third party advice from an experienced business advisor.

We will not be responsible for any success or failure of your venture. We only provide information in this site that you can use to try to earn an income. And do note our compensation disclosure. Sometime we are paid to provide that information to you.

Compensation Disclosure: This site receives compensation from advertisers and for referred sales of some or all mentioned products.

If you are going to go forward on any business venture, be sure to do your market research thoroughly and prepare your marketing plan first.

We do not mean to discourage you. We just want you fully informed



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